


Introduction A state of the art search can be commissioned both internally and externally. Both variants have advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we explain how the state of the art is defined. Does the result serve as a basis for important decisions? 

Introduction The current state of the art is defined in the Patent Act (§ 3 PatG) as follows: "The state of the art comprises all knowledge which has been made available before the date relevant for the priority of the application by written or oral description, by use or

Introduction The primary aim of a defensive patent strategy is to prevent the patents of other companies from being infringed. There are various reasons for opting for a more passive stance with regard to the handling of intellectual property.

The environment of a tech start-up In most cases, tech start-ups have to assert themselves against established companies. As a rule, these companies have extensive patent portfolios. In addition, they continuously apply for many patents. The following graphic from the DPMA illustrates this as an example

There are several ways to carry out a free patent search. In which cases does it make sense to use GOOGLE PATENTS?
The intellectual capital statement helps to visualise and systematically develop intellectual capital in SMEs
Nowadays you can stumble across package deals for patent applications on the web. Prices of less than €1000 are often advertised. However, this is only part of the actual patent costs. Here are some basic facts that every applicant should know. 
Technology scouting helps to recognise trends at an early stage.

current topics in a personal dialogue


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